Music MADE IN OMEの第一弾となるサトウリュースケ『れいん』のMVの企画・制作しました。 Cinema MADE IN OMEで上映したショートフィルム用にオリジナルエンディングソング『たぐる』を作詞作曲し、各会場のトリを務め続けたサトウリュースケ。 人の心を動かすサトウリュースケの音楽を会場に来てくださった方々以外にも、もっともっと届けたいという思いから青梅の地でMVを制作しました。
作詞作曲: サトウリュースケ 2019年制作
Music and Words by Ryusuke Sato Written in 2019
This song is dedicated to my friend who suddenly passed away and also meant to reach anyone else who has suffered a loss of a loved one.
It’s so tough to accept the fact that a loved one is gone forever. But, as time goes by the sorrow will eventually fade away like the rain always passes.
唯一無二の特徴的な声の持ち主。 一緒に寝てしまうこともあったという、弾きすぎて穴のあいたギターが相棒。
Born and raised in Matsukawa-cho, Nagano prefecture, Ryusuke Sato’s career as a musician started when he picked up his brother’s acoustic guitar at the age of fourteen. After moving to Tokyo in 2002, he transitioned to focus on music and has been maintained a steady flow of new music ever since.
Ryusuke is best known as a vocalist/guitarist of his band “Jo-Jo Brothers” that formed in 2015. Although the band had begun to establish a reputation performing at live music clubs, festivals and nation-weide tours, Ryusuke decided to branch out as a solo musician. Currently based in Ome, Tokyo, Ryusuke actively works as a singer/songwriter, narrator, and actor. Playful yet introspective, his melodic style reflects his love of music. Ryusuke’s words are real in the way the best moments in life are real, and he is sincere in every phrase without losing expressions to the subtle workings of the inner mind. His incredibly soulful voice always attracts audiences. He also brings the ability to pluck your heartstrings with his serious songs and his melodies stay in your head long after you have heard them.
camera: Panasonic DC-S5
lens: LUMIX S PRO 24-70mm F2.8/ LUMIX S PRO 70-200mm F2.8 O.I.S./ LUMIX S PRO 50mm F1.4
出演 サトウリュースケ
撮影・演出: まるやまもえる(bluesniff)
プロデュース 食パンと乾電池
協力 noco BAKERY & CAFE